
As a part of ENGin program (ESL)

NB: for training courses of ENGin program which I sometimes teach (semi-synchronously), please reach out to someone from the program, or directly to me at daniil@engingprogram.org. The syllabi and materials for those classes are confidential since they use recordings of ENGin students and volunteers.

Introduction to applied language assessment

Geared towards training a rater for ENGin Assessment and Evaluation, we look at basic requirements for a language test, focusing on speaking. We briefly overview validity and reliability, moving to discussion CEFR levels, and assessment by subscale. We discuss assessing vocabulary and employ Cambridge Assessment English’s EVP from English Profile Project extensively. We look at potential confounding factors in assessing vocabulary and grammar, such as polysemy and parallel phenomena in grammatical competence. Pronunciation is contextualized within ENGin’s target population of Ukrainian students, and its assessment centers around figuring out whether lack of command of phonetic and phonological features impedes communication. Interactive communication, fluency, coherence, and development are also discussed at length. Trainees complete a number of assessments, both to ensure their command of material taught, and to test their rating skills. Final exam consists of three evaluations, and invitation to rate at ENGin is given for those scoring above 90% cumulatively.

ENGin SSPA (Standardized Speaking Proficiency Assessment)

This brief training is geared towards interlocutors who conduct but not rate (hundreds of) assessments at ENGin. We look at the design of ENGin SSPA and motivation behind every part of it, and analyze interlocutor’s script. Emphasis is placed on interlocutors being able to adjust the script on the fly in situations requiring this. Interlocutors who come from various anglophone countries are also introduced to peculiarities of Ukrainian learners. A part of SSPA is interactive communication component where the interlocutors engages in a dialogue with the candidate, and the part is unscripted. The assessment consists of reading checks, quizzes, and final assessment is completion of three written analyses of sample assessment recordings. Trainees are asked to comment on every part of the assessment, listing the mistakes as well as positive moment of the sample interview. High achievement is a prerequisite to becoming at part of ENGin’s team conducting assessments.

Relevant teaching qualifications: TKT M1, TKT M2, Cambridge Assessment English C2 Proficiency (A/229)

Taught in the past

American Literature (2020-2021)

Description: seniors in this year-long survey course will take a brief look at American literature and engage with pieces of writing in a thoughtful and analytical manner. Throughout the year, students will be exposed to a variety of writers, including both canonical and modern ones. Both poetry and prose will be studied; however, the short story form as well as poetry will be emphasized most. Students will be introduced to basics of analytical writing as well as to basics of elements of literary theory (Heidegger, Gadamer, Iser, Barthes). See Course Expectations and Syllabus. Taught at Collegium 16 Fall-Spring 2020-21 (four sections: 11A-1, 11A-2, 11B-1, 11B-2).

British Literature (2020-2021)

Description: juniors in this survey course will take a brief look at British literature backwards: from modern day back to Shakespeare and beyond. Everybody will engage with pieces of writing in a variety of manners: from reader-response to close reading and literary criticism. Throughout the year, students will be exposed to a variety of writers, including both canonical and modern ones. Both poetry and prose will be studied; however, the short story form as well as poetry will be emphasized most. NB: in the second edition of the textbook, I took out lectures on Beowulf, Cronin’s Hatter’s Castle, Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga, Golding’s Lord of the Flies. I also plan to devote more time to modern writing and thus sacrifice Defoe. See Course Expectations and Syllabus. Taught at Collegium 16 Fall-Spring 2020-21 (four sections: 10A-1, 10A-2, 10B-1, 10B-2).